I lettered this pallet. It was so fun! You can congratulate me on my perfect snowflakes later.
It's Giving Tuesday! This is a weird concept to me, because giving should be a part of our lifestyle. But Giving Tuesday is a good place to start. So give! My heart is for camp ministries (plug for Camp Tadmor! We need your gifts!), and refugees.
I've been sitting on a few big topics for about a month now. I'll try to tackle both of them today. The first heaviness on my heart has been the happenings in Syria.
US troops recently pulled out of Syria leaving their northern border vulnerable. As a result, Syria finds itself in another unasked-for war, and many have had to flee the country, or are displaced in camps within Syria. Just as many of the refugees were able to return home, many more are having to leave again. It's heartbreaking. I can't imagine being in an environment in which leaving your home is the safest and only option.
A large portion of the proceeds from my sold books goes to Preemptive Love Coalition, a nonprofit on the ground in Syria, at the US-Mexico border, and all around the world offering support where they can to displaced people. Sales of my book don't just help change lives around the world, but hopefully change the reader's heart as well. This isn't just a pitch to sell more of my books, it's a tangible way for me, and for you, to be involved in supporting people who to know there is hope. There's always hope. Consider buying a copy or five of No Way but Through for your loved ones for Christmas!
The other thing I've been weighed down with for the past month is going to take some vulnerability on my part to share with you, but I hope this story renews your hope and faith. I've been battling God Himself. Not exactly battling against God, but battling with God. Never before has the question of why do bad things happen (especially to innocent people) weighed on me so heavily.
It feels like there's a lot to cover here. I had doubts, I felt literally weighed down by questions, but I was also loving my daily meetings with God. It was like God and I came together to pour over Truth and dispel the lies and darkness. I use the past tense because I feel like I'm coming out the other side of this (more on that later), but God and I still meet every day over Truth.
God has been so tender and gracious to me through it all. Every day, God guides me to just what I need to read, or pray about, or think of. My journal is filled with page after page of scriptures and quotes that have stuck out to me. And it seems that each day has a new theme. One day I read in a few different places to let faith be my compass, not doubt. It was like God was gently pulling me back from the ledge. Don't get me wrong, it's healthy and important to ask these questions, this has just been my process.
A lot of the horrible things happening in the world are the consequences of our own choices as people with free will. God could have made the world a more perfect place by making us automatons, but that would negate any real love in the world as well. C.S. Lewis said it better: