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A Work in Progress

Hi! Thanks for stopping by. I've started this blog and created this website to share the progress of my latest project. It's a novel I feel called to write. I'm humbled by the magnitude of it and excited to get it out into the world. Hopefully it will live up to the hype I intend to create around it! As my bio says, I long to use my writing to give a voice to the voiceless, and to help Americans especially see the world through a different lens.

Let me tell you a little about myself. My name's Emily. I live with my husband and best friend, Zack, whom I adore, in the foothills of the Cascades in Oregon. We live at a camp where my husband does maintenance full time. I love living in such a beautiful place. I'm an introvert, becoming more so as the years go on, and I love to read and write, hang out with Jesus, and get a good workout in. If I'm able to accomplish those things in a given day, I call that a success.

The flip side of my introversion is I also love investing in people and journeying with them through life. I love chatting one on one over coffee, or tea. We have sixty-something summer staff who come work at camp every summer whom I get to hang out with!

For years, I've battled health issues and have my diet pared down to about twelve things. This is a daily and hourly struggle, but I know I serve a good God, and He will do abundantly more than I could ever ask or imagine (Eph. 3:20). Nevertheless, I love to cook and experiment in the kitchen. I love to do things outside, like hiking, snowshoeing, surfing, though I often don't have energy for such things these days.

I feel so humbled and lucky to be able to pour my life into writing and into people. Thanks for joining me on this journey! If you want to sign up on the "Subscribe" portion of my website, to receive occasional emails (seriously, I'm very bad at the emails), we could be friends. Plus, I LOVE doing giveaways, so that's another reason to sign up! Here's a picture of me and my sweet, sweet husband:



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